
Galileo Galilei

This is my second opportunities to write blogs in my life, and I used to write about what I thought for the last time. I learned that it is really interesting, but for this time, I would like to focus on one specific theme,  and it is my music favorites. I love listening to Japanese rock music, and I know it is not popular in the United States. Therefore, I decided to introduce some of them.

This week's band is called "Galileo Galilei," The band is even not popular in Japan, but this is the best band in my mind. There are only three members in the band, and two of them are actually true brothers. The older brother, Yuuki, is the vocalist of the band and he writes all of their songs' lyrics. The lyrics that he writes is one of the reason why I am fascinated their music. The younger brother, Kazuki, is the drummer and the programer of the band. He sometimes writes music, but not lyrics. He usually play drums, but he can play guitar, bass guitar, synthesizer, and percussion if he needs. The last member is a childhood friend of the brother, Hitoshi, is usually play a bass guitar, but he also can play other musical instruments so that Kazuki and Hitoshi fluidly change their role in the band. There are a lot of things write about them so that I will finish up this topic nect week.

3 件のコメント:

  1. Hi Joki!!!
    Your post is interesting because I was not interested in Japanese rock music before reading because I have never listened to it, but I listened to it first time after reading your post, and then I though Galileo Galilei is cool, so I was interested in it.
    I want to know Japanese rock music more, so I am looking forward to your post.

  2. I also like to find unique band that people do not know well about them. I like to listen Japanese music so it was nice posting. Thank you :)

  3. Hi Joki!!
    I have heard "GalileoGalilei" but I don't know their songs really much. I will listen to their song!!
